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You have two dental plan options: the Preventive and the Enhanced plans. These plans are provided through GreenShield Canada.

  • Coverage details

    See what each plan pays for care. Costs shown are in Canadian dollars or the percentage of coinsurance the Plan pays. (Coinsurance is a portion of the cost of health care services; you and the plan share the cost of services.) Maximums noted are per covered person, per calendar year, unless stated otherwise.

    Preventive Enhanced
    Basic and Preventive Services* (see below for all included services) 100% 100%
    Recall Exams Once every 9 months 50%
    Major Services (e.g., crowns, dentures, bridges) Not covered 50%
    Combined maximum for basic and preventative services and major services $1,500 $2,000
    (includes adults and children)
    Not covered 50% coverage, $2,000 lifetime maximum

    *Includes: Oral exams, cleaning and scaling of teeth, fillings, X-rays, extractions, denture realignments and root canal therapies.

  • Costs

    Here’s what you pay per paycheck (in Canadian dollars) to have dental coverage.*

    Coverage Level Preventive Enhanced
    Employee $4.77 $7.73
    Employee + 1 $8.71 $13.94
    Family $12.80 $20.61

    *Plus retail sales tax, if applicable.